EvoSuite wins the SBST 2016 tool competition

EvoSuite achieved the overall highest score of all competing tools at the SBST 2016 Unit Testing Tool Competition. For more details read the following paper:

  • [PDF] G. Fraser and A. Arcuri, “EvoSuite at the SBST 2016 Tool Competition,” in 9th International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing (SBST’16) at ICSE’16, 2016, pp. 33-36.
      author    = {Gordon Fraser and Andrea Arcuri},
      title     = {EvoSuite at the SBST 2016 Tool Competition},
      booktitle = {9th International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing (SBST'16) at ICSE'16},
      year      = {2016},
      pages     = {33--36},